Scorpio Moon
Deep within our soul we may be feeling something stirring, something ready to be brought to the surface to be freed. We are in a transformative time as we experience the Autumn Equinox in the Southern Hemisphere check the time for your city in the link and the Spring Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere.
Here in the Southern Hemisphere we are asked to let go of what has served its purpose in our lives and ready to be shed just like the leaves on the trees have completed their life in the seasonal wheel, it is now our time to allow whatever has helped us grow to allow it to fall away as it has completed the cycle. As we enter the colder seasons we are drawing within, it’s our inward journey of the feminine. As we have grown emotionally through our loss, disillusionment and betrayal we are asked to make sense of it now and to be at peace, appreciate how we have grown and how we have achieved thus far and have gratitude for the process. We are experiencing a time of balance with feminine and masculine, where there is equal light and dark on our planet gifting us with a very magical time.
In the Northern Hemisphere we are asked to celebrate the birth of our new self, a time of celebrating new beginnings as we come out of the winter gestation period. It’s our time to flourish as the blossoms emerge with their gorgeous growth or to come out of the cocoon and emerge as the beautiful butterfly into the world. The balance of masculine and feminine are gifting us with a beautiful balanced energy and supports us in our emerging as we affirm our commitment to self-love we allow our life to grow in this supportive and loving time.
Scorpio invites us to connect with our true feelings and will gift us the ability to transform through intense emotional experiences as deep unconscious traits may be released from the deep dark muddy waters. Be mindful of the sting from the scorpions tail as illusions and delusions may be pierced of any falsehoods so there can be healing, and be in a space of gratitude for the truths to be embodied as we walk in truth and not in fear of our true selves.
Our psychic perceptions are a gift and are a part of us, and these will be heightened as the Moon moves through Scorpio, find your time here allowing ourselves the gift of merging with spirit and the gift of sensing our environment and the energies around us. A time of power, abundance and creation so consider our truest desires and what is in our hearts to create the life we wish to live or we can unconsciously destroy and exert our power through fear of not being in our own power, so be very mindful what we put out is what will return to us.
Are you ready to release the energies of your deep unconscious patterns and behaviours? I am ready to help you, contact me for an appointment
‘Beautiful are those whose brokenness gives birth to transformation and wisdom.’ ~ John Mark Green
