Virgo Moon
In the dance with the sacredness of Mother Earth and her deep love for humanity owning your sacredness as a beautiful goddess magnify your luminous light for abundance grows with the love in your heart and your connection to the all that is interlacing as one honouring your body as a channel for spirit in service for the greater good.
Ground your sacredness with a loving heart as you value your stability and pragmatism in approaching relationships with long term goals in mind with meticulous and precise planning for the long haul for a secure and bountiful life like a slow cooker meal that brings a magic deliciousness in the patience of the process, although do have an awareness of not taking things too seriously as the value comes with patience.
In the need for adapting to the sacredness of the self and embodying dedication in your work and in your well-being challenges of inaccurate perceptions of feeling powerless to embody higher frequencies for greater freedoms of change may be felt and with an opportunity for finding a balance and compromise in divided loyalties for a beautiful disciplined structured spiritual practice and a healthy mind, body and work life insecurities and worries or escapism may show themselves.
Honouring your sovereignty and most powerful feminine essence and passionate depth of your nature feel into the true sacredness of your divine goddess temple as the feelings of being between a rock and a hard place for inequality and injustice for your independence and uniqueness may be challenged.
Self-discipline for reviewing and analysing your plans carefully and communicating any problems that need solving with attentiveness and using your words wisely will be favoured but take care of being narrow-minded and hypercritical as changes take place with finances and material possessions with unexpected shaking of foundations out of comfortable stubborn resistance.
With a strong connection to Mother Earth keep your feet planted firmly on the ground and stay as cool as a cucumber with respect for the drive and passions to keep you forward moving and disciplined in your endeavours to succeed but remember to allow for making time for some fun as all work and no play does make life quite dull as others may not understand your instinctual desires for growth and fulfilment and the healing journey you have endured.
Feel into your loving empathic compassionate heart with an awareness for keeping healthy boundaries and honouring your sacred space in check as challenges for your dreams arise and relationships that value maturity and commitment.
Honour your sacred vessel with the love of Reiki: book you’re appointment with me here:
Create the New Consciousness together in sacredness with the Pleiadian Star Mother and Dr Amber Mele’ha Wolf: find out more here:
Reawaken the original encoded Star Activations gifted long ago by the Pleiadians evoking your Akashic memory:
“There is no more time to wait. The time is now for you to unfold, uncover, discover, recover all of the beauty and the light that came to you, with you, in your Lemurian Akash in this lifetime. Remember the plan. Our beloved Kryon has talked about the plan. We have talked with you about the plan. So may have talked with you about the plan. And that plan is as bright as the sun, as delicate as the stars, and as unique as each breath you take. You are the ones. With the knowing comes responsibility. So step in. Step into the circle with us. Hold our hand. And let us create this New Humanity, this New Consciousness together.” ~ Excerpt from Star Mothers channelling through Dr Amber Mele’ha Wolf, November New Moon Portal to the Star Mothers November 14th, 2020.
