Virgo Moon
In the beauty of your surrounds embrace the gifts of nature finding the joy in connecting with the elements and the sacredness of Mother Earth as you shine your light honour your sacred temple in divine service opening to the love of the creator, embrace and appreciate the beauty you hold within your heart enjoying the pleasures in discovering who you are and the values you hold deeply within, relax any nervousness as you breathe and ground your energies releasing self-criticism of yourself and those in relation with you as you embrace this opportunity to slow down and focus on finding a balance of fulfilling your needs in service and in your relationships holding respect for everyone’s boundaries as you scrutinise and discern any details to improve the quality of your work and your partnerships reconciling and acknowledging hidden power struggles and desires remedying the past as forgiveness and letting go offers renewal leading with the heart feel the optimism and encouragement for your visions and dreams as you allow the illusions to melt away deepening your worthiness and embracing your vulnerability asserting your sense of self and honouring your true identity.
With respect for your boundaries and sacred space honour that of others also as challenges come to serve in improving any unhealthy options and patterns in your physical life granting yourself the grace of higher teachings as the endless possibilities of choices in the vistas of growth and abundance allow for the melding of two minds feeling into the push and pull, communicate your purposefulness and your passions for your thirst for knowledge and intellectual stimulation opening your mind to your creative ideas and watching for any restlessness and anxiety in the determination of excelling in your creative passions, feel into your heightened sensitivity and discernment in your daily choices that lead to a more stable focus on your healthy practices and sense of worth and value with material needs and your connection to Mother Earth’s natural resources.
As opposing forces push and pull on what’s working and what isn’t use this time to scrutinise and adapt to the lessons of cause and effect as you gain more of an awareness of the details embracing and asserting your personal empowerment with confidence in your authenticity, seek inner peace as you unlock your full potential and believe in your abilities breaking free of any fear of honouring your true self as you pursue new ways to better understand and interact with practical and realistic productivity endeavouring to revolutionise your plans and manage your resources innovatively, improve on the past as the shadows and old hidden desires ask for healthy resolution as you maintain your footing in the physical opening your heart in achieving your goals and dreams finding a balance in the emotional undercurrents of relationships developing and embracing your true capabilities as you honour your sacred feminine essence empowering yourself in your relationships as you negotiate any injustices to find harmony and peace.
Honour your mind, body, heart and spirit with the loving embrace of Reiki: find out more here:
Join in the Magic of the Moon’s waxing energies in this fun little workshop! Take a look:
Journey with the “Dragons of Mu” and transform with their loving wisdom for your soul:
“We are here (Uluru), almost touching the very rock of Creation. All of you had to have permission from those who are the stewards of this place (Anangu), to be here. However, did you notice that they are all women? For forty thousand years, the traditions have not changed: Women from the stars brought the light to this planet, and right here they continue, from the same place they started. This is s female area, and a profound teaching area. Even Kryon is a guest here. It’s different here.” ~ Excerpt from Kryon live channelling “At the Rock” given in Uluru, Australia – March 26, 2015.
