Libra Moon
Embrace the gifts of your intuition feeling into the watery feels of your inner home as the sun sets on the horizon open to the peace that lays deep within your heart connecting to the deepest parts of your soul’s true innate desires of the feminine mysteries for any inequality and opposing forces of unhealthy behaviours and illusions brings the shadows intensely to the surface bursting forth the disempowered parts of hidden rage and suppression, watch for resentment and passive-aggressive tendencies as you endure the grace to unify and harmonise the values of your loyalty and self-expression for interdependence in your relationships, strengthen your own needs with a loving heart as negotiations and analysing the facts allow for everyone’s points of view to be considered.
In the truth of discovering a balanced and loving heart evaluate the lightness and love you hold within for the sacred feminine and the sacred masculine to sustain the strengths in your values and going to the deep depths of your soul in resolving core issues of unworthiness, sexual and financial issues as the freedom from the known shakes the foundations opening the way for break-throughs and revolutionary future possibilities for change, consider extending the olive branch as the slow and steady pace for your passions and planting seeds for the future are favoured to pay off in tangible ways, keeping the faith for fairness and equality in any injustice uphold your integrity and higher wisdom and optimism as you consider multiple perspectives with curiosity adapting and shaping meaningful relationships with shared communications and collaborations together that are intellectually stimulating uncovering deeper truths to your spiritual journey as you feel the push and pull of your destiny that is written in the stars initiating the harmony in leading from your empowered sense of self and mastering losing yourself in dependency and taking care of another.
Connect with your strengths as a team player in any challenges arising as big flamboyant heart gestures test your values in love and over dramatic demands and power struggles asking you to weigh the truth with non-violent communication with your emotional maturity in check, watch for shutting down your feelings and emotions allowing them the space to flow responsibly as inner childhood wounds are at a head for your personal growth and healing from the past, streamline your self-accountability and responsibilities working on your soul’s commitments reconciling and liberating your uniqueness and passionate drive for respectful relationships with the opportunity for reflecting on your long-term goals and dreams allowing your voice to be heard and appreciated with expressive tones even in the stuttering and unpolished notes of your words harmonising your perception of your feelings and need for your own compassionate healthy boundaries with the loving embrace of the in pouring universal love of the oneness in the creation of the New Lemuria.
Embrace the sacred feminine in a beautiful loving safe environment at Sangha Studio together in the Full Moon Magic Women’s Circle in Capricorn:
Online Full Moon Magic Women’s Circle in Capricorn:
Go on a transforming journey of wisdom with the “Dragons of Mu” and open to their loving embrace:
Open to enrich the sacredness in your relationship with yourself or with your partner with the teachings of the Pleiadians:
“Changing your consciousness and thinking differently are core issues, not simply the application of information. The decisions you make after an Akashic awakening are totally different than if you had never awakened. You awaken and, in the awakening, you’re different. The very awakening itself then creates a different you. I want this to make sense to you. Some things are just this way. You come into the fruition of another reality and the decisions, the questions, the answers you give, and the wisdom you have, are now different.” ~ Excerpt from Kryon live channelling given during a Lemurian Sisterhood Meeting in Portland, Oregon – July 25, 2016.
