Scorpio Moon
In the stillness of the waters of your infinite soul feel into the depths of your inner being, of your sacred truth as you merge and open to your divine feminine power of creation feel into the gifts that are forcing you to face the pains of the past as hidden saboteurs deep within ask you to surrender to the piercing of illusions as poisoned arrows go deep into the wounds reflect on the unconscious pleasures indulging your senses in the shadows for opposing forces ask for a calmer way of communicating with your true values in mind slowing down steadying your emotional responses convey greater perspectives for creating stronger foundations for future growth as you embody and walk in your truth for the impact of holding on to control in your outer environment is a deep reflection from within as you work on resolving your dual nature and misconceptions from your higher truth.
Connect to your true feelings for they will safeguard the currents and flow of an undertow of boundless foggy feelings in your environment with a deeper exploration of your inner realms discern with dedication and perseverance trusting your intuitive knowing as you embrace the mysteries that abound for adapting to the unknown allows any plans and dreams the opportunity for a beautiful transformation.
As you reconcile your relationship with extreme strong impulsive desires use your energy for creations rather than destruction and manipulation that flow with your dreams opening to a self-controlled discipline delving deep into recognising what’s depleting you and what is feeling healthy for you as challenges in honouring your worthiness and financial possessions come to awaken and shake up resistance that is keeping things from change, communicate your true feelings through the intensity with your deep emotions as you surrender and release any stubborn resistance.
Meld with your beautiful divine feminine truth as you honour and respect your true powers and sacred gifts, accept and open to your dragon within activating the rainbow bridge, your kundalini energy as the realms of spiritual unity dissolve the illusions of the past opening to the creations of miracles and your eternal soul as the conflicting motions of aligning your values and venusian senses against the ramifications your unconscious programing discover the balance of the divine feminine and the sacred masculine within and an optimistic presence as higher truths bring much needed change.
As the Full Moon in Sagittarius approaches honour your truth in the presence of sisterhood soothing your soul in a loving sacred space:
Online Full Moon Magic Women’s Circle:
In Person Full Moon Magic Women’s Circle:
Bring your body, mind, heart and spirit into balance with the loving energy fo Reiki: book your appointment here with me:
Is your Dragon within calling you to wisdom and transformation of “The Dragons of Mu”? discover more here:
“Back then, there wasn’t the junk you have now, but still, she may have had inappropriate anger for others, or for herself, where she knew there was something she had to purge within. This was always based upon the beautiful Star Mother information she had been taught from birth. See, duality is something that belongs to all of you. She knew she was working with her duality as all Humans do and when she watched the leaf burn, she knew she was free!” ~ Excerpt from Kryon live channelling given during a Lemurian Sisterhood Meeting, in Minneapolis, Minnesota – July 22, 2017.
