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Scorpio Moon

Scorpio Moon


Allow a beautiful deep connection to the depths of your soul as you feel into your truth trusting in your psychic perceptions open to the love of feeling at home there honouring your loving values and your innate feminine powers you are gifted with as messengers of god intertwine into your being stay aware of thoughts and messages incoming, keep distractions and too many choices to a minimum as intensity is strong in encounters that go into the depths of darkness bringing to the surface true emotional feelings releasing them into the light exposing the unconscious saboteurs reconciling the confusions and illusions shrouded in separation move with the contrasts of your wounds and your hearts inner fire as you let go of the need for control embracing the steady and determined gentle pace that spirit gifts.


As you trust in spirit open to the embodiment of higher knowing for the true power resides within you let go of fear as the unknown may feel intimidating and unfamiliar open to expanding into new opportunities, twists and turns with curiosity for new information and potentials for creation and collaboration and not destruction melding with your own dreams taking responsibility for your creative gifts maintain healthy boundaries for yourself and your souls direction that may not be in the same direction as others as a push pull is felt deeply in honouring your truth and your sense of security in material form with the creation of your steady goals reconciling any stubborn and manipulative powers for the freedoms of revolutionising greater connections to Mother Earth and her resources in tangible ways.


In the flow of honouring your true feelings and your sacred feminine temple transform and blend into the oneness of love trusting your intuitive knowing and your creative gifts and talents breaking any dominating and self-victimising patterns that harm yourself or others fearing the uncomfortable rejection you may have displayed holding grudges and revenge from deep within resolve the wounds of the past as you face your shadows and manipulative power struggles unleashing your true power within as the truth sets you free opening to discover new ways of communicating and expanding your way of thinking that change you out of your comfort zone as your perceptions may change.


Align with Grandmother Moon and her magnificent powers in circle this Full Moon in Capricorn:


Heal the old patterns of the past with the love of Reiki; you’re your appointment with me here:


Honour your sacred relationship with the teachings from Pleiadian Star Mothers in this deeper ancient teaching:


“Let me give you another: Dear ones, some of you have friends, family, and colleagues at work who are difficult to be around. Each time you show up, there is drama. It hurts your heart. Sometimes, it makes you afraid to be there, and it always makes you tired. It’s not anything you can change. It’s the nature of darkness.

I want to tell you something I’ve never said before. There are two kinds of situations here and two kinds of answers to these kinds of issues. One is consistent drama. If this is something that is happening where you now live, it would serve you, Old Soul, to find an avenue out of the drama, whatever that means to you. Disengage from the drama and, when you do, you’re going to find that you’re going to live longer, light is going to come in, and you’re going to laugh more.” ~ Excerpt from Kryon live channelling “Going from Dark to Light” given in Buffalo, New York – June 24, 2017.

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