Gemini Moon
Explore the versatility of the sacred masculine and the sacred feminine within yourself as you face each other contemplating the pouting recognise any imbalance and release any misunderstandings and assumptions as you strive to find a balance in your multiplicity allowing your imagination the space to inspire you keeping your dreams alive as illusions are being felt in the web of the energy around you. Discover a clear communication style with your healthy boundaries in place as you adapt to expanding your wisdom with a curious and fun nature and a strong sense of purpose as new ideas and new situations of entrusting and stimulating a higher purpose and conscious awareness with optimism are favoured for evolutionary changes enforce a loving relationship with yourself and with Mother Earth and her resources feel into the values you hold for the creation of the New Lemuria with an influencing focus on tangible and innovative progress for sustainable growth and new ways for implementing material needs.
In the depths of any shadows still lingering under the surface allow any inner saboteurs and fears of power struggles and addictions the space to be seen in the light of love and acceptance cleansing the fragments free into oneness as you embrace the ways of nature with trust in adapting to your truth synchronising and balancing your sacred dragon kundalini within empowering and embracing your innate sensual feminine essence bringing inequalities around love and relationships the power to negotiate and confront injustices with mindful intelligence unlocking and reclaiming your passionate inner fire and authentic drive adapt to changes with versatility and a light-hearted approach for higher truths and deeper meanings gift opportunities to grow and expand intellectually and broaden your spiritual horizons taking care of an overzealous nature for more as challenges inspire the need for commitments and maturity in rousing a responsible relationship with your spiritual beliefs.
As there is change in the air analyse any distractions and judgments in testing encounters as you face situations that may show things as they truly are and the spell you may have been under of others emotions and manipulation trusting in your hearts inner guidance system to embrace the wounds of your childhood to strengthen your self-confidence and worthiness embrace your personal freedoms and independence opening to learn and teach through the lessons you have encountered reconciling with your inner power struggles as challenges show where the imbalances in relationships are.
Love and respect your sacred feminine essence together in sisterhood this New Moon in Cancer:
Online Women’s Red Tent Circle:
In Person Women’s Red Tent Circle:
Embrace your Lemurian Akash in The Shamanic Teaching Wheel with the ancient teachings from the Star Mothers:
Honour your sacredness in relationships with the transforming guidance from the Pleiadian Star Mothers:
“You are giving birth to a New Humanity and a new place in your consciousness. This is not the first time that this happened on this planet. It happened in Lemuria. And there you literally gave birth to new humans and new consciousness. Here you are awakening that same DNA and giving birth to the New Consciousness inside the New Human that is already here. This is a cause to celebrate! And each time you create a portal to the Star Mothers, you call us. We hear you. We know you really, really mean it. Of course, we are always with you. But when your heart and your mind are directed into the gifts, into the love, into the light that the New Human brings, when you are focused, that is when the gifts that you ope are the manifestations of all that can be right with your world.” ~ Excerpt from Star Mother channelling through Dr Amber Mele’ha Wolf, October New Moon Portal to the Star Mothers, October 16th, 2020.
